The Psychology of Lying: How to Spot a Lie in Everyday Life (7 Signs to Look For)
The Psychology of Lying: How to Spot a Lie in Everyday Life (7 Signs to Look For)

Lying is a universal human behaviour, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to spot. However, psychologists and behavioural experts have identified common signs that can help you determine when someone might be lying.

While none of these indicators are foolproof on their own, when you notice several of them together, it may signal that the truth is being stretched.

7 key ‘lying’ signs to be aware of

Here’s a look at some of the key signs to look for, based on the psychology of lying. It’s handy to know these because they might be some good indicators that you next need to get in touch with a private investigator to gather some evidence.

1. Inconsistent Stories

One of the most common signs of deception is an inconsistent narrative. If someone changes details or can’t recall the same story they previously told, it could be a red flag.

Truthful people typically have no trouble sticking to their version of events because it’s based on actual experience. Liars, however, may struggle to remember the fabrications they’ve made up and trip over their own stories.

2. Avoiding Direct Answers

When someone is lying, they might dodge direct questions or give vague responses to avoid committing to details. They could answer with another question, deflect with humour, or offer irrelevant information. Their goal is to avoid being pinned down.

3. Excessive Detail

While avoiding direct answers can be a sign of lying, the opposite can also be true. Sometimes, liars try to cover up the truth by providing an overwhelming amount of detail.

These extra details are meant to convince the listener of their honesty, but they can come off as unnatural or rehearsed.

4. Changes in Voice Pitch or Rate of Speech

When a person lies, their stress levels often increase. This can lead to physiological changes, such as an elevated voice pitch or rapid speech.

Liars might talk faster because they’re nervous, or their pitch might rise as they subconsciously attempt to sound more convincing. In some cases, they might even stutter or hesitate more than usual as they struggle to fabricate a convincing story on the spot.

5. Body Language Mismatches

Nonverbal cues often reveal more than words. When someone is lying, their body language may not align with what they’re saying.

For example, they might shake their head no while verbally affirming something. This disconnect between speech and body language can be a subtle but telling sign of deception.

Additionally, they may use fewer hand gestures or become unusually still as they focus on maintaining their lie.

6. Minimal or Excessive Eye Contact

Liars are often aware that people expect them to make eye contact if they’re telling the truth.

As a result, they may overcompensate by staring too intensely, trying to convince you they’re being honest.

Alternatively, they may avoid eye contact altogether because they feel guilty or anxious.

7. Microexpressions

Microexpressions are brief, involuntary facial expressions that occur in response to emotions.

Even the best liars often can’t fully control them. For example, someone might quickly frown or show a flash of anxiety before settling back into a neutral expression.

While these flashes of emotion happen in less than a second, they can reveal the person’s true feelings, even if they’re trying to hide them.

In Summary

While these signs aren’t definitive proof that someone is lying, they can be a strong indicator.

If you think someone’s lying to you, and it’s about a big thing that you want to then delve deeper into, look out for these signs. If you notice some, then consider giving us a call on 01772 334700 if it’s something that we could then help with – whether that’s tracking your partner, a background check, or one of the other services we offer.