What to do about Employee Absenteeism?
What to do about Employee Absenteeism?

It has been claimed that micromanagement causes stress. A study of 7,000 staff showed a link. Those feeling over-managed often took long sick leave. Stress symptoms included headaches and chest pains.

Long-term sick leave means more than 16 days off. It makes up 75% of sick leave costs. As an employer you should consider this impact. Can you offer staff more freedom? Reducing micromanagement and therefore stress, could lead to less money lost to sick pay for genuine cases.

Another way to reduce sick pay losses is to look at the non-genuine cases.

Staff can self-certify sickness for seven days. After that, a doctor’s note is needed. The note might suggest support for a return to work. Employers can request a medical review for long-term cases. In long term cases it may be possible for employers to make reasonable changes to support a return to work sooner.

Short-term sick leave also matters. Employers can ask for proof of illness. Some staff misuse self-certification with short, frequent absences. Talk to them if you see a pattern. Remember there may be genuine reasons that the employee didn’t feel comfortable disclosing.

You can withhold Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). This applies if you think someone is working elsewhere or is not really ill. SSP is usually paid after four days of sickness. You must explain your decision if challenged. This decision could cause friction in the employer/employee relationship so is a decision not to take lightly without all the facts.

Worried about absence? EJM Investigations can help. We can find evidence of fraudulent sick leave. Our surveillance operatives can assist in obtaining evidence to identify whether any claims of illness or injury are genuine, or not. Stop paying unnecessary sick pay. Our investigators can help build a strong case against any employee taking advantage of the SSP system.

Call our West Yorkshire detective agency today. Our head office number is 01772 334700.